7 Simple GitHub Commit Best Practices for Beginners


Git/Github Commits are like saving checkpoints in your coding journey. They help you keep track of changes, work with others, and fix problems along the way. But for beginners, mastering Git can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry! In this post, we’ll break down seven easy-to-follow best practices for making commits, perfect for those starting their software engineering adventure.

GitHub commit practices

1. Keep It Small and Simple

Break your changes into small, easy-to-understand pieces. Each commit should focus on one thing, like fixing a bug or adding a feature. This makes it easier to see what’s happening and undo changes if needed.

2. Write Clear Messages

Your commit message should be like a short story, it tells what you did and why. Start with a brief summary and then explain the details. Use simple language and avoid jargon.

3. Use Commands in Messages

git commit -m "Adds notification to the user feature"

Start your commit messages with action words, like “Add” or “Fix”. This makes them clear and consistent. For example, instead of saying “Added new feature”, say “Add new feature”.

4. Keep Your History Tidy


Don’t clutter your commit history with unnecessary stuff. Use a .gitignore file to ignore files you don’t need to track. Before committing, double-check your changes to keep everything neat and tidy.

5. Commit Often

Make commits as you go, instead of waiting until the end. This helps you stay organized and lets others see your progress. It’s like saving your work regularly while writing an essay.

6. Test Before You Commit

Before you save your changes, make sure they work! Run tests to catch any mistakes or problems. Committing broken code can cause headaches later on.

7. Branch Out

When working on a new idea, create a separate branch. This keeps your changes separate from the main project until they’re ready. When you’re done, merge your branch back in.


With these simple best practices, beginners can feel more confident navigating the coding landscape. Remember, Commits aren’t just about saving code—they’re about telling a story of your project’s journey. By following these tips, you’ll not only keep your code organized but also make it easier for others to join you on your coding adventure. Happy committing!

Read more about git commit here
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